Thursday, September 8, 2011


Mahindra Satyam Placement papers
Latest Sample Placement Paper Of Satyam For Year-2009-10 (Mathematic,

1.What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following equation? of 168 ?
15 ÷ 5 +? = 549 ÷ 9 + 235
1) 189
2) 107
3) 174
4) 296
5) None of these

2. Four of the following five parts numbered (1), (2), (3), (4), and (5) are exactly
equal.Which part is not equal to the other four parts? The number of that part is your
1) 2x (x + 5) + 12
2) 2x (x + 3) + 3 (x + 4) + x
3) (x + 3)2 + (x + 1) (x + 3)
4) (x + 1 ) (2x + 3) + 2 (x + 3)
5) 2 (x + 1) (x + 3) + 2 (x + 3)

3. 12 men can complete a piece of work in 4 days, while 15 women can complete the same
work in 4 days.6 men start working on the job and after working for two days, all of them stop working.
How many women should be put on the jobto complete the remaining work, if it is to be
completed in 3 days?
1) 15
2) 22
3) 18
4) Data inadequate
5) None of these

4. A shopkeeper sells milk which contains 5% water. What quantity of pure milk should be
added to 2 liters of milk
(containing 5% water) so that proportion of water becomes 4%?
1) 100 ml
2) 250 ml
3) 400 ml
4) 350 ml
5) None of these

5. 'A' and 'B' started a business in partnership investing Rs 20000/- and Rs 15000/-
respectively. After six months 'C' jointed them with Rs 20000/-. What will be B's share in
the total profit of Rs 25000/- earned at the end of two years from the starting of the

1) Rs 9000/-
2) Rs 10000/-
3) Rs 7500/-
4) Rs 9500/-
5) Rs None of these

Directions (Q.6-10): In each of the following questions, a number series is given. After the
series, below it a number along with (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) is given. You have to complete the
series following the same sequence as that of the given series. Then answer the question that
6. 8 6 9 23 87 4 29
    6 (a) (b) (c)(d) (e)
What will come in place of (c)?
1) 21
2) 11
3) 19
4) 17
5) None of these

7. 2   3 10 39 172 885
    1 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (b)?
1) 11
2) 7
3) 9
4) 8
5) None of these

8. 5  7 10 36 136 690
    2 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (e)?
1) 310
2) 330
3) 110
4) 64
5) None of these
9. 8 9 13 11.5 18 14
12 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
What will come in place of (d)?
1) 13.5
2) 19.5
3) 22
4) 18
5) None of these

10. 8  4   6 15 52.5 236.25
      4 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Which of the following will come in place of (d)?
1) 36.25
2) 33.25
3) 26.75
4) 32.75
5) None of these

Directions: In the following question, four of the five words are similar in meaning. Find out the
word that is different.
1) Haggard
2) Careworn
3) Gaunt
4) Hazard
5) Anxious

12. Arrange the letters of word AUCTION in such a way that the vowels always occur
together. Find the number of ways.
1) 576
2) 48
3) 144
4) 30
5) None of these

13. 2 metres broad pathway is to be constructed around a rectangular plot. The area of the
plot is 96 sq.m.The cost of construction is Rs 50 per sq. metre. Then find the total cost of construction .
1) Rs 4,800
2) Rs 4,000
3) Rs 2400
4) Rs Data inadequate
5) None of these

14.Mr. A lends 40% of a sum at 15% pa, 50% of the rest sum at 10% pa and the rest at
18% pa rate of interest.What would be the rate of interest if the interest is calculated on the whole sum?
1) 13.4% pa
2) 14.33% pa
3) 14.4% pa
4) 13.33% pa
5) None of these

15. A sum of Rs 5000/- amounts to Rs 6050/- in two years at compound interest. What is the
rate of interest?
1) 15% pa
2) 13% pa
3) 11% pa
4) 21% pa
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 16-20): Three statements follow below the question asked. How many statement
(s) would be required to answer the question from the options given below?

16. By selling an article what is the profit percent gained?
(A) 5% discount is given on list price.
(B) If discount is not given 20% profit would be gained. `
(C) The cost price of the article is Rs 5000/-
1) Only A and B
2) Only A and C
3) Only B and C
4) All A, B and C together
5) None of these

17. What is the present age of father?
(A) Difference in ages of father and son is 24 years.
(B) Present age of son is of present age of father.
(C) After 6 years from now, the age of son will be of father's age.
1) Only A and B
2) Only B and C
3) Only A and C
4) All A, B and C are together required
5) Any two of the statements are required to answer the question.

18. What is the cost of fencing a rectangular plot?
(A) Length of the plot is twice its breadth.
(B) Area of the plot is 288 square metres.
(C) Cost of fencing is Rs 4/- per metre.
1) B and C only
2) A and C only
3) A and B only
4) All the three statements A, B and C are required to answer the question
5) Question cannot be answered even with all the three statements together

19. What is the length of the train?
(A) The train crosses a signal pole in 18 seconds.
(B) Train crosses a 200 m platform in 30 seconds.
(C) Speed of the train is 60 kmph.
1) A and C only
2) B and C only
3) C and A or B only
4) A or B only
5) None of these

20. What will be the compound interest earned on an amount of Rs 5000/- in two years?
(A) The simple interest on the same amount at the same rate of interest in five years is Rs 2000/-
(B) The compound interest and the simple interest earned in one year are the same.
(C) The amount becomes more than double on compound interest in 10 years.
1) A and B only
2) A only
3) B and C only
4) A and C only
5) None of these

Directions (Q. 21-25): Below is given a passage followed by several possible inferences which
can be drawn from the facts stated in the passage. You have to examine each inference separately
in the context of the passage and decide upon its degree of truth or falsity. Mark answer

1) if the inference is "definitely true", ie it properly follows from the statement of facts given.
2) if the inference is "probably true" though not "definitely true" in the light of the facts given
3) if the "data are inadequate", ie from the facts given you cannot say whether the inference is
likely to be true or false.
4) if the inference is "probably false" though not "definitely false" in the light of the facts given.
5) if the inference is "definitely false", ie it cannot possibly be drawn from the facts given or it
contradicts the given facts.

Increase in import of crude oil has become a major problem for the country. Now, the Indian
government is formulating a national policy to promote bio-fuels. A host of fiscal incentives are
on the cards. The aim is to ensure sustainable production, conversion and application of biofuels.
As per a proposal before the Cabinet by the ministry of new and renewable energy, a
national bio-fuel development board will be set up. The board's mandate is to partly replace
petrol and diesel for transport and other applications.
The policy will lay emphasis on research and development (R&D) for production, processing
and commercialisation of bio-fuels like ethanol and jatropha. To promote bio-fuel development
the government is aiming at fiscal sops. The fiscal sops for the bio-fuel sector could include
excise and sales tax/VAT exemption. There will be a plan of action to use waste and degraded
land for cultivation of jatropha. In some states, large-scale jatropha cultivation has already
begun. This will be expanded in scope by providing economy of scale.
21. The efforts made by the government will reduce he increasing and worrisome onus of crude
oil imports on the fisc through gradual limited replacement of petroleum products with bio-fuels
22. Oil extracted from jatropha seed can be used as bio-diesel.
23. Many developed countries extensively use ethanol-blended petro fuels in the auto sector.
24. India's oil marketing companies have not shown interest in tapping the market for bio-fuels.
25. India has inexhaustible resource of crude oil.

ANSWERS : 1. (2) 2. (4) 3. (1) 4. (5) 5. (3) 6. (2) 7. (4) 8. (2) 9. (3) 10. (5) 11. (4) 12. (1) 13. (4)
14. (3) 15. (5) 16. (1) 17. (5)18. (4) 19. (5) 20. (2)
21. (2) 22. (3) 23. (3) 24. (4) 25. (4)

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