Mecians Placement
Welcome to all MEC friends & juniors!
Mecians placement is our e-FRIEND!.
We usually learn life skills (cycling, driving, swimming etc...) through our friends. These life skills are learned naturally without compulsion .Learning and practicing along with our friends gives joy & hope, also reduces the fear of the challenge. Learning with our friend is one of the favourite behaviour in our life style. Giving guidance and support to our friends and getting the same from them becomes a strong habit to all us. Our e-friend “Mecians placement” is going to make ease, our placement preparation and make us learn the required job skills.
Our friends come in many forms like room mate, class mate, college mate, busmate, schoolmate. Like that, our “Mecians placement” is our brain mate or PLACEMENT PREPARATION MATE. Our e-Friend “Mecians placement” is always in connection with us through the internet.
From knowledge and experience point of view, there is no gender difference. Every information is the creation of human brain thats all. Like that Mecians placement is a efriend to all MEC male brains & female brains. Other department informations are required to feed our other department friends. Through suggestions, and informations Help us to help all.
“Mecians placement” objective is
1. to provide help & guidance that how to prepare for placement.
2. to reduce searching time.
3. to identify to us the important areas to be focused.
4. to connect us with our aluminis and their experience .
5. to be the companion for preparation all round the clock.