Wednesday, July 20, 2011

20-07-2011 TCS - Model HR Interview Questions


  • 1.    Tell  me about yourself?

  • 2.    Why should I hire you?

  • 3.    Why do you prefer TCS?

  • 4.    What are your strengths? Why?

  • 5.    What are your weakness?why?

  • 6.    What is your ambition?

  • 7.    What is your biggest failure?

  • 8.    Tell me any negative point which you heard about our company.

  • 9.    Difference between hardwork and smartwork?

  • 10.  What is your dream company and why?


  • 11.  What were you peopling discussing outside?

  • 12.  What sort of questions do you expect from this panel?

  • 13.   What kind of books do you read?

  • 14.   Tell me the story of the recent book that you have read.

  • 15.  What discrete measurable skills do you have which gives you an edge over your friends?

  • 16.  In what situations would you leave a company?

  • 17.  Do you have anything to ask us?

  • 18.     What are the electives that you have taken?

  • 20.     . Why software is called a product? (ref Pressman 1st Chapter)

  • 21.     . How pricing is being done on a software product? What are the factors affecting the pricing of a software product?

  • 22.     . What are the models that you use in the Requirement Analysis? (Again repeated, which was asked previous day QnNo.15)

  • 23.     . Name the different DBMS architectures?

  • 24.     . What is an RDBMS? How it is different from others?

  • 25.     Why most of the softwares are developed using RDBMS when compared to other types?. What is Raman Effect?

  • 26.     When I told that Raman Effect is related to “scattering”, they asked me how is it different from Reighlay scattering?

  • 27.     . Do you know the name of the person who has predicted Raman Effect a number of years before Raman?

  • 28.     . Whether Raman got Nobel Prize for “Raman Effect” or something else?

  • 29.     Why the sky appears red in the morning and evening?

  • 30.     If you were asked to improve IIITMK what suggestions you will give me?

  • 31.     . Being an experienced person if you have been asked with people much below your age will not you be having the complex to work with them?

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