- WAP(Write a program) for factorial using recursion And without recursion
- WAP for Armstrong no.
- WAP to count string
- WAP to find MIN & MAX number
- Wap for reversing a string without using string functions.
- Write a C program for fibonacci series.
- WAP for prime no.
- Write the pointer representation of a[i][j][k].
- i = 5
i++, ++i, --i, i--, 5
- What will be the output if it is printed?
- What "condition" will be written in the if statement such that both Hello World are printed when the following code is executed.
- if(condition)
- What will be the output of the following code?
int i=5;
printf("%d, %d, %d", i++, i, ++i); - reverse of a number
- palindrome
- even number series
- odd number series
- and also data structure concepts.
- Prime
- even and odd arrays to be constructed taking numbers as input
- 1 Program for arrays and pointers and structures and linked lists(Be ready)
- WAP for even/odd no.
- pascal triangle
- pyramid
- Write the algorithm for quicksort?(i explained the logic)
- Write a program for string reverse?
- Checking Overflow of a Stack
- Ternary Operator or Conditional Operator Use
- Call by Value & Call by Reference
- Difference between Templates & Structure( implementing Student Database )
- Implementing Array Of Object
- Program for Linear Search
- Program for Binary Search
- Tower Of Hanoi
- 1 program based on New concept in C ( eg: Graphics)
- programs on pointers
- Array & Structure Using Pointers
- Is Pointer possible in C++ . If so write a Program Implementing Pointer
- double pointers
- Find whether the year is leap year ?