Sunday, August 14, 2011

TCS Program

  1. WAP(Write a program) for factorial using recursion And without recursion

  1. WAP for Armstrong no.

  1. WAP  to count string

  1. WAP  to find MIN & MAX number

  1. Wap for reversing a string without using string functions.

  1. Write a C program for fibonacci series.

  1. WAP for prime no.

  1. Write the pointer representation of a[i][j][k].

  1. i = 5
    i++, ++i, --i, i--, 5

  1. What will be the output if it is printed?

  1. What "condition" will be written in the if statement such that both Hello World are printed when the following code is executed.

  1. if(condition)

  1. What will be the output of the following code?
    int i=5;
    printf("%d, %d, %d", i++, i, ++i);
  2. reverse of a number

  1. palindrome

  1. even number series

  1. odd number series

  1. and also data structure concepts.

  1. Prime

  1. even and odd arrays to be constructed taking numbers as input

  1. 1 Program for arrays and pointers and structures and linked lists(Be ready)

  1. WAP for even/odd no.

  1. pascal triangle

  1. pyramid 

  1. Write the algorithm for quicksort?(i explained the logic)

  1. Write a program for string reverse?

  1. Checking Overflow of a Stack

  1. Ternary Operator or Conditional Operator Use

  1. Call by Value & Call by Reference

  1. Difference between Templates & Structure( implementing Student Database )

  1. Implementing Array Of Object

  1. Program for Linear Search

  1. Program for Binary Search

  1. Tower Of Hanoi

  1. 1 program based on New concept in C ( eg: Graphics)

  1. programs on pointers

  1. Array & Structure Using Pointers

  1. Is Pointer possible in C++ . If so write a Program Implementing Pointer

  1. double pointers

  1. Find whether the year is leap year ?

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