How to use Open SeeSame
Step 1: Register with Open SeeSame
1. To register as a new user, type the following URL in your browser (supported browsers are IE 7 and IE 8):
2. Click on 'Register here'. Complete the Registration form. Click on Submit button. On successful registration, a verification link is sent to your email id.
3. Click on the verification link from your mailbox and follow the instructions provided.
Step 2: Login to Open SeeSame Portal
1. Once the verification is complete, you may login at with your email ID and your chosen password.
2. After logging in, you can view your account details on the Profile Details tab. (In case you have a valid DT/CT Reference Number, please enter the same and click on the Update button. Your DT/CT Reference Number is a unique number that you may receive on applying to the TCS careers portal)
Step 3: Fill Portfolio
1. Choose the Portfolio link to fill your details.
2. Login to the Portfolio site with your Open SeeSame credentials.
3. Please complete Personal, Contact and Education tabs completely. Completing your Portfolio helps us understand you and your aspirations better.
4. Please click on the Save button after completion of each tab on your Portfolio.
5. You are now ready to book a Preview on Open SeeSame.
Step 4: Book Preview
1. Click on the Book a Preview tab. Click on the Book Preview button. You can now view the Open SeeSame preview schedule.
2. Choose a Preview from the calendar and click on the Book Preview button to reserve.
3. Now you can view the booked preview in the Your Preview tab.
4. Click on Check your Computer to see if your computer has the configuration required for the preview.
5. The following are the prerequisites that are required in your computer to take a Preview.
Browser | IE 7 or IE 8 |
Pop up allowed | Yes |
Screen resolution 800X600 or above | Yes |
Windows installed | Yes |
System time | Current |
Step 5: Preview Open SeeSame
1. To take the Open SeeSame preview, login to and click on the Your Preview tab. You can see a list of your booked previews.
2. Choose Begin Preview link that appears against your reservation. This will launch the Preview.
3. Use the same credentials as the Open SeeSame portal access details to begin the preview.
4. Preview Open Seesame.
5. In case of any difficulty, please email with subject field containing
a succinct description of the problem.
a succinct description of the problem.